Holistika7TM was developed to complement existing methodologies by filling up some gaps observed while emphasizing some of the self-evident aspects and activities around the project management discipline that are forgotten when you are in execution mode.
The Debut:

Holistika7TM was presented for the first time at the ProjMAN conference held in Lisbon, in 2013.
The original white paper that described the concepts around the Holistika7TM Framework was one of the few selected by the ProjMAN Scientific Committee to be published on their annual conference book.
Official Publication:

“Holistika7TM – A holistic approach toward successful and sustainable ERP projects” | CENTERIS – ProjMAN – HCist 2013 – Book of Industry Papers, Poster Papers and Abstracts.
Publisher: SciKA | ISBN: 978-989-97433-2-8 | October 23, 2013.

SAP Transformation Executive, PMP, ITIL, CSM
Lincoln has 25+ years of consulting experience, leading clients in software selections and ERP implementations.
He has an extensive ERP delivery background, working in large programs based on Global Rollouts/Global Templates.

SAP Principal Consultant at IBM
Roberto has 30+ years of experience leading global competencies for world-class consulting firms, including SAP AG in Germany. His major experience and track record lie in his ability to innovate, create, design, and drive successful execution of strategies and digital transformation programs that support business strategies and KPIs.
Website Content Contributors:

Co-founder and Partner at Klippas Technologies inc.
Eric is a keen sailor who lived on his boat for 4 years, and am a motor-racing fan, motorbike enthusiast and a voracious reader. An ardent technologist, a passionate Blue Jays fan and a lover of music, movies and art.I write, mostly posts these days, although I have self-published 2 books. Now developing apps for Microsoft Teams and loving it!

Business and Digital Transformation Leader, PMO Consultant and Coach at 3 Magic Consulting
Founder of 3 Magic Consultancy. A Global Best-in-Class Business Consulting Boutique Firm for Business and Digital Transformation, with presence in the UK, Canada and the MENA Region.