Tag Archives: Six Sigma

Six Sigma Tools

Although the Six Sigma methodology originally started out as a way to improve processes and products in a manufacturing environment, today, it has grown to encompass a broad range of industries. As companies begin to realize the benefits a total quality improvement cycle can have upon the organization, they are adopting Six Sigma and its…...

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Project Management: Performance Metrics Matter

A study has shown that many project managers do not sufficiently keep track of the performance metrics of their teams and projects. This results in consistent cost overruns, going over schedule, failing to meet expectations in quality, and seeking new employment elsewhere. Consider this: what are you managing really if you don’t even know the…...

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Some Important Six Sigma Tools

Although the Six Sigma methodology originally started out as a way to improve processes and products in a manufacturing environment, today, it has grown to encompass a broad range of industries. As companies begin to realize the benefits a total quality improvement cycle can have upon the organization, they are adopting Six Sigma and its…...

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